Benefits of Farmer’s Walk for Strongman for Every Fitness Enthusiast.

Do you wish to have a broad waist and strong hands? If yes then you must be exercising every day either by subscribing to a gym membership or establishing a gym of your own. Either way, the focus is the most important thing that needs to be there throughout the journey of getting well-shaped arms and shoulder. While there are many exercises that would help you attain the goal of having strong and broad arms, and shoulders but in this case, the discussion is going to be in respect to Steel Logs and Yokes.

These are few strong and bold exercises that are sure to give you a hard time but once mastered then there is no coming back as these exercises are going to bump you up in regards to your physique and increase your stamina and power. There are many other ways in which the above exercises are going to benefit a person as it involves all the upper body muscles.

Bar training is one of the most proven ways for serious strongman athletes to develop better grip and max out their strength. When you want to take your fitness regime to a whole new level then you can choose Farmer’s Walk for Strongman. This exercise comprises of a pair of thick metal bars with handles in the middle which allows carrying the bars and gives you the option to load weights onto each end of the bar. One of the pro tips that you can trust us on is never taking longer steps/walks because it will be making you unstable.

However, there are various benefits of practising this exercise and some of it-

•    Developing powerful legs and hips.

•    Strengthening the core.

•    Strong and stable back.

•    Increasing the strength to grip.

There are three ways to practice the Farmer’s Walk for Strongman and those are –

•    Light weight and long distance, generally 40 to 60 meters.

•    Mid-weight and mid-distance, generally 20 to 30 meters.

•    Heavy weight and short distance, generally 10 to 15 meters.

The main objective is to carry weight over a long distance quickly. Carrying heavy weight, longer distance, and quicker time, or a combination of these is all ways a sign of progress. Ideally, carrying a heavier weight over a longer distance should be the ultimate goal. Every once in a while, it is recommended to turn up the heat by adding weight over a period of time. But, remember this is not an excuse to skip light weight sessions and turn them into heavy weight sessions.

As we all know that metabolism varies from person to person which is why it will be a major reason behind the success of each person’s physique and strength. New York Barbells brings you different kind of equipment for exercises that range as a beginner to professional level. With an experience of 43 years in the health and fitness industry, we are happy to deliver with the best of the quality equipment. So that your search for any kind of equipment ends with us.