What are the types of cardio equipment available in the market?

When you stop by a gym, what is the equipment that you come across? The most common ones are cardio equipment. You will see a series of machines that are meant for stimulating muscles through cycling, walking and running, skiing, rowing, and stair climbing. Some might be motorized will others not, but they are all meant for a good cardio workout that will help in burning calories and fats.

Finding an Exercise Equipment Store is quite easy, but make sure you know everything you need to before choosing the right cardio equipment.


Cross-country ski machines

For legs and arms exercises, you can use a cross-country ski machine. The sliding motion is extremely comfortable on the knees without hurting them. On a few machines, you might have to move one ski forward so that the other goes backward. But, mostly the new ones have automatic skiing motions, so they move independently. Additionally, some might have a rope attached to it while others would come with a stationary handgrip. When looking for a cross-country ski machine, choose the one that has a wide foot as it will add to your stability.

Elliptical trainers

They are constructed to provide a circular up-and-down motion. So, it falls somewhere between a stair-stepper and a ski machine. The best part about Elliptical trainers is that they offer an impact-free workout without putting much stress on the knees and joints. Grade and resistance can either be adjusted manually or automatically depending on the machine type you choose. To ensure stability, try a machine that has varying speeds and grades.


Rowing machines

These are usually for back, legs, and arms altogether. It is one of the best cardio kit as it provides an overall body workout. If you are not used to rowing, then it is natural that the motion will feel unfamiliar in the start. Some people might even find it hard on the back. Opt for a pulley model instead of a piston one when buying a rowing machine. You can easily find heavy-duty equipment at lower prices in the Exercise Equipment Store by newyorkbarbells.


Each one of you reading this article might know what a treadmill is. It allows you to either walk or run on it, that too indoors. Go for a motorized treadmill that has a strong motor as it will ensure the longevity of the machine. You should be able to adjust the speed and grade according to your preference so you can walk comfortably at an easy pace.


Stationary bicycle

Exercise bikes do not need any training, unlike the regular ones. They are quite easy to use and offer an amazing cardiovascular workout. Look for a machine that comes with adjustable and comfortable seats and toe clips.

You can even get your hands on cardio machines that can be easily installed at your house. This way, you can lose out on weight at the comfort of your own house, in no time.

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