The effective ways to train for Farmer’s Walk for Strongman

The farmer’s walk is one of the most popular events of the Strongman competitions. There are a few excellent ways to train for that event. So, try out the techniques mentioned below if you want to excel at the event.

Strongman events are different than all other strength sports because they do not usually come with set events or movements. There were times when competitors had no idea about what is in store for them before the game. Nowadays, participants have a general idea about what to expect, and one of the events that they surely expect is the farmer’s walk. It is all about carrying huge weights on both hands and walking a certain distance within a certain time. Take a look at the four ways you can use to train to excel at that event.


The Deadlift

The deadlift is one of the musts for anyone training for the competition, and especially for the Farmer’s Walk for Strongman. There are some variations of deadlift for every contest. If you aim to compete from the front in the game, then deadlift is what you can start with. You will basically need only plates and a bar to train, and so, you can do it in any gym. You should deadlift at least one day every week, and then build up to a heavy weight on the working sets. If you feel that your deadlift is not strong enough, then add some variations to the second day of the training program with lighter weights.

The Press

You should train for Farmer’s Walk for Strongman by New York Barbells equipment for pressing. You can use push press, strict press, and single arm press training to strengthen your core muscles and gain arm strength. It needs to be done every week with added shoulder work for increasing shoulder stability and to offer support to the heavy loads.

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Picking up the weight

The farmer’s walk is the event that has endless possibilities, and is a favorite of the crowd. One of the ways for you to prepare for it is to pick up heavy objects and place those on a platform over the bars. Events like these will need a lot of energy, and so, you should set aside a day of the week for this. You need to practice multiple loading actions on that day. It will help you to understand the maximum weight that you can lift even after being tired from squatting or deadlifting.

Carrying the weights

The walk might seem like a simple event where you will have to hold, carry, and move the objects, but a lot of training has to go into it. A simple way to train for it is to pick up a heavy object and move carrying it. You would have an idea of what the competition demands and you would have to find an object of similar weight and size to practice carrying it. The event will be measured in distance and time. You need to keep that in mind while training.

If your core muscles and arm muscles have the strength and endurance, then you will be able to deal with any challenge thrown your way at the event. So, start practicing all the techniques mentioned above as soon as possible.

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