About Newyorkbarbells

New York Barbell sells TDS Fitness Equipment and is the only Fitness Equipment Company that has a large warehouse of items coupled together with a manufacturing facility.

An Imperative Guide to Choosing the Best Folding Power Squat Rack

Fitness is the new language that the world is speaking in today’s time. The twenty-first century people are significantly into fitness training, diet, meditation, yoga and more. They are looking forward to a more healthy life I order to be more active and enhance all spheres of their fiercely busy lives.

Simultaneously, there is absolutely no dearth of fitness machines and equipment in today’s time. And this article shall introduce some of the top considerations to make when you are buying a Folding power squat rack by http://www.newyorkbarbells. This is a highly popular option in the current market and if you are a fan of squats, this certainly would not be a bad choice for you.

Squats are considered the king of fitness workouts, especially when it comes to developing and enhancing lower body muscles. From building entire body strength, strengthening the hamstrings, shaping calves, buttocks, abdominal muscles, and squats helps you attain multiple goals at a single go. But it is important that you choose the Folding Power Squat Rack by New York Barbells right for yourself. This equipment is definitely available widely online but they often differ in terms of weight, colors, model designs and safety spots. It is important that you choose the right one for yourself that suits your requirements the best and here are some of the considerations that you can make.

Folding Power Squat Rack

Do you actually need a power bench?

Many people have a notion that it is regular fitness equipment. But it is certainly not. It is important for you to know that it is only ad any utilized for strength or intense training. These benches are often used by professionals who are working on developing and building their muscles and shaping their bodies significantly. It requires certain techniques to be used and is best if you take professional aid if you are not familiar with the use of a power bench. Trying anything on your own, without a proper training can expose you to unnecessary muscle strains, aches, ligament sprains and more.

Are you looking for personal or professional purposes?

The nest thing to consider right away is the purpose you need it for. Even though this equipment is only use by professionals, many people who are used to with self-training often plan to purchase this equipment. The racks designed for professional or gym usage are much larger in size, heavy in weight and comes with robust structure. The installation is comparatively more complex. So it is best you verify what purpose you need it for.

Folding Power Squat Rack

Is it space-saving? What size would suit you best?

If you are planning to install it at home, it is important you pay attention to the size and whether it is foldable or not. There are wall mounted power racks available nowadays that are extremely easy to install and would fit perfectly at on corner of your home. You will not need any external help to install. Those options would be the best for you.

Make sure you perform your part of the research on the above mentioned aspects before purchasing your squat power rack.

Here’s why getting Safety Squat Bars home will be worth for you

Squats and lunges can be really helpful for developing lower-body muscles in the best way. But you effort can be even more enhanced with the right squat equipment and here’s how.

Squats are one of the most popular types of work outs that are ruling the preferences of fitness experts nowadays. The particular wok out does not just help in proper toned legs but also helps you excel in your athletic performances. The muscle development also spreads throughout the lower body area as you start to do it regularly for a sufficient amount of time. This exercise is known for building strong hamstrings, rectus, pelvis, tendons and the other main muscles of the leg area. Demonstrated below are some of the top pluses of using Safety Squat Bars by Newyorkbarbells that will help you use the equipment properly.

Safety Squat Bars

Helps in fixing certain weaknesses in the leg muscles

The Safety Squat Bars by Newyorkbarbells are professionally designed to stimulate specific leg muscles and you can choose to use in a particular way as per your choice. The development of the muscle can help in better crouching experiences as it shall act as a plateau buster for such lower body work outs. It will effectively help you emphasize on key areas like the upper back, hips, core, as well as the posterior chain in several different ways. You will not only feel your legs getting stronger but equally flexible and groom your body for complex sports performances. The particular equipment is often used by professional athletes as it allows trying several types of crouches with minimal effort.

Safety Squat Bars

The technique of crouching differs slightly with the help of these bars as the distribution of the weight is done in a different way. You do not have to struggle as there are extremely comfortable paddings that efficiently support the shoulder and the neck. If you get the tactics and positions right, this can be really helpful in building proper lower body muscle in quite a less amount of time.

Safety Squat Bars

Incredibly Functional and efficient equipment

One of the foremost things that make it functional is its extremely advanced design. It is considered industry-level equipment that effectively helps in reducing your part of the effort and its safety spot allow you to practice crunches with complete power. The machine is both powerful for athletes and body builders by practicing higher volume work outs with the help of these bars. Users of this equipment opine that the muscle growth percentage is much faster and prominent with the help of this equipment.

Safety Squat Bars

The equipment has got really good ratings on the online purchasing sites, if you check out.  The mechanism is useful yet simple and you will certainly not take much time to get acquainted with its features and functionalities. There are several bars available for lunges and crunches but this one falls under the special category. Now it is easily accessible online in a comparatively reasonable price and you can simply go ahead and take a look at the options to choose the best for yourself this season.

Here’s all that you need to know about Power squat rack

A Power squat rack can be immensely beneficial gym equipment if you want to get the maximum results out of your workout schedule. Here’s all that you need to know about this equipment.

The squat rack is quite an intimidating piece of equipment in the gym. It sits in the corner, and is sturdy and big equipment that is loaded with a standard bar of twenty kg, and sometimes even weight plates are already on it. It might look intimidating, but it has the ability to transform and better your exercise routine like never before. Once you know what this equipment is and how you can use it to your advantage, it will become one of the most important equipment in the gym for you. So, without further ado, here’s taking a look at what the equipment can do and how you can use it.

Power Squat Rack

The reasons to use the equipment

Squats are one of the most efficient exercises that one can do, and if you have not done it ever, it is time to start it now. It is a comprehensive exercise that involves your largest muscle group in one movement. The main aim for using the Power squat rack is to increase the effectiveness of the exercise by adding weights. It is like a weightlifter’s best friend because it tells him how much he can lift without any assistance. If you still have not added the use of this equipment to your workout plan, now is the time to do it.

Using the equipment in the right manner

There are three simple steps to get it right when you are using the Power squat rack by New York Barbells to get the maximum results:

Power squat rack

  1. Make it free from all weights

The first thing that you need to do is set it up just right. In order to do that, the machine needs to be stripped of any weight plates that might have been on it. So, you have it empty now and you can begin setting it up for the workout.

  1. Consider the position of the bars

The next step of the process is getting the bar height right. There are adjustable parts on the machine, which should be set at shoulder height.  Safety bars need to be used at all times and they must be set on a proper height depending on how low you can crouch. Doing heavy exercises on the machine alone is never safe without safety bars.

The power lifters usually set a low bar because that works for them, but you can set it as per your convenience. Most people set the bar high where the barbell is put on the back and not on the neck.

  1. Get as low as you can

Finally, keep in mind that you should crouch as low as you can because there is no point in lifting heavy weights if you are not going down completely while squatting. Your hamstrings need to be parallel to the floor when you are doing the exercise.

Power squat rack

So, now that you know all about the benefits that the equipment holds and the right ways to use it, go ahead and start using it from today.

The effective ways to train for Farmer’s Walk for Strongman

The farmer’s walk is one of the most popular events of the Strongman competitions. There are a few excellent ways to train for that event. So, try out the techniques mentioned below if you want to excel at the event.

Strongman events are different than all other strength sports because they do not usually come with set events or movements. There were times when competitors had no idea about what is in store for them before the game. Nowadays, participants have a general idea about what to expect, and one of the events that they surely expect is the farmer’s walk. It is all about carrying huge weights on both hands and walking a certain distance within a certain time. Take a look at the four ways you can use to train to excel at that event.


The Deadlift

The deadlift is one of the musts for anyone training for the competition, and especially for the Farmer’s Walk for Strongman. There are some variations of deadlift for every contest. If you aim to compete from the front in the game, then deadlift is what you can start with. You will basically need only plates and a bar to train, and so, you can do it in any gym. You should deadlift at least one day every week, and then build up to a heavy weight on the working sets. If you feel that your deadlift is not strong enough, then add some variations to the second day of the training program with lighter weights.

The Press

You should train for Farmer’s Walk for Strongman by New York Barbells equipment for pressing. You can use push press, strict press, and single arm press training to strengthen your core muscles and gain arm strength. It needs to be done every week with added shoulder work for increasing shoulder stability and to offer support to the heavy loads.

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Picking up the weight

The farmer’s walk is the event that has endless possibilities, and is a favorite of the crowd. One of the ways for you to prepare for it is to pick up heavy objects and place those on a platform over the bars. Events like these will need a lot of energy, and so, you should set aside a day of the week for this. You need to practice multiple loading actions on that day. It will help you to understand the maximum weight that you can lift even after being tired from squatting or deadlifting.

Carrying the weights

The walk might seem like a simple event where you will have to hold, carry, and move the objects, but a lot of training has to go into it. A simple way to train for it is to pick up a heavy object and move carrying it. You would have an idea of what the competition demands and you would have to find an object of similar weight and size to practice carrying it. The event will be measured in distance and time. You need to keep that in mind while training.

If your core muscles and arm muscles have the strength and endurance, then you will be able to deal with any challenge thrown your way at the event. So, start practicing all the techniques mentioned above as soon as possible.

What are the types of cardio equipment available in the market?

When you stop by a gym, what is the equipment that you come across? The most common ones are cardio equipment. You will see a series of machines that are meant for stimulating muscles through cycling, walking and running, skiing, rowing, and stair climbing. Some might be motorized will others not, but they are all meant for a good cardio workout that will help in burning calories and fats.

Finding an Exercise Equipment Store is quite easy, but make sure you know everything you need to before choosing the right cardio equipment.


Cross-country ski machines

For legs and arms exercises, you can use a cross-country ski machine. The sliding motion is extremely comfortable on the knees without hurting them. On a few machines, you might have to move one ski forward so that the other goes backward. But, mostly the new ones have automatic skiing motions, so they move independently. Additionally, some might have a rope attached to it while others would come with a stationary handgrip. When looking for a cross-country ski machine, choose the one that has a wide foot as it will add to your stability.

Elliptical trainers

They are constructed to provide a circular up-and-down motion. So, it falls somewhere between a stair-stepper and a ski machine. The best part about Elliptical trainers is that they offer an impact-free workout without putting much stress on the knees and joints. Grade and resistance can either be adjusted manually or automatically depending on the machine type you choose. To ensure stability, try a machine that has varying speeds and grades.


Rowing machines

These are usually for back, legs, and arms altogether. It is one of the best cardio kit as it provides an overall body workout. If you are not used to rowing, then it is natural that the motion will feel unfamiliar in the start. Some people might even find it hard on the back. Opt for a pulley model instead of a piston one when buying a rowing machine. You can easily find heavy-duty equipment at lower prices in the Exercise Equipment Store by newyorkbarbells.


Each one of you reading this article might know what a treadmill is. It allows you to either walk or run on it, that too indoors. Go for a motorized treadmill that has a strong motor as it will ensure the longevity of the machine. You should be able to adjust the speed and grade according to your preference so you can walk comfortably at an easy pace.


Stationary bicycle

Exercise bikes do not need any training, unlike the regular ones. They are quite easy to use and offer an amazing cardiovascular workout. Look for a machine that comes with adjustable and comfortable seats and toe clips.

You can even get your hands on cardio machines that can be easily installed at your house. This way, you can lose out on weight at the comfort of your own house, in no time.

Tone, Bulk, Condition or Reduce with One Machine- Sissy Squat Bench.

As a fitness enthusiast, you either wish to get bulk by increasing your muscle mass or by getting lean by decreasing your muscle mass. So, depending on the goal of one’s fitness expectation, one can practice exercises accordingly.

With the Sissy Squat Bench machine from the house of New York Barbell, you have the choice of getting either bulk or lean. It depends on what kind of exercises you practice with the squat bench. A squat bench is a versatile and very efficient exercise machine to possess. It focuses on the hams, glutes, and quadriceps.

This is by far one of the most reliable and sophisticated exercise machines that serve all kind of purpose without burning a big chunk of a hole in the pocket. It almost makes the most value for money investment on fitness. It can help anyone irrespective of the shape and size.

The squat bench is a TDS fitness equipment which is made from heavy-duty construction material that is built to last for a long time. The padding of the squat bench is supported with enough foam to give a comfortable feel while exercising. It also comes with adjustable front foot holder and fully adjustable rear pad a perfect fit.

One can actually work out with the dumbbells to bulk up their body mass while one can practice simple exercises to lean.

One of the few reasons why one should consider buying theses fitness equipment from New York Barbell is because-

  1. Manufacturing as well as selling the fitness equipment is solely done by them which avoids unnecessary middle man cost. Doubled with a large warehouse around New York, it offers you some of the best quality products in the market.

2. It sales only TDS fitness equipment that is guaranteed to be made from                           construction grade materials.

  1. Constant, research and improvements are the fundamentals that are followed by the brand that helps in remaining beyond the competition.

So, why wait when you can get the best value for money products from New York Barbells.

Hunt for a Good Multi-Functioning Fitness Equipment- Super Four-Way Hip Shed.

With the world on the verge of moving towards a fit and healthy lifestyle, it is going to have a lasting impression on the fitness industry. The industry is going to experience its good days ahead as the demand for fitness products and equipment will see a dramatic rise. So, with an experience of over 43 years in the industry and have experienced all the ups and downs of it, it has given us all the lessons and important points that need to be taken care for our customers who thrive for a fit life.

Way Hip Shed

As per the latest trend, gyms are experiencing a rise in their membership which also means that many new gyms are going to be set up to exploit the situation and attract customers with attractive offers. These gym owners also look for equipment that is going to benefit them in multiple ways as it will save money as well as the place for them. So, on the quest of searching for quality exercise equipment, sometimes owners are duped with low-quality products that do impact their business in the long run.

Way Hip Shed

But with New York Barbell, you are assured of quality and price. With 43 years of legacy in the industry, we carry goodwill that cannot be compromised with any other in the industry. Customers need and demands are taken care, to assure them that they get the best for every penny they spend. We not only just sell the fitness equipment, we also manufacture them and we are known to house the largest warehouse in and around the neighbourhood.

So, one such product that we have in our inventory is known as Super Four-Way Hip Shed. This product is best suited for someone who wants to exercise different forms of exercises on single equipment. This machine helps you in leg press, dual hack squat, forward thrust calf raise. It comes with relaxing padding, adjustable shoulder pads, specially designed side frames, bars that can hold up to 1500 lbs and many other features. With a product like this in your arsenal, you are about to see a change in the fortune of your business.

So, without much of a doubt, scroll down our website and gift your business a much-needed push that will see customers moving in and out with smiling faces.


Benefits of Farmer’s Walk for Strongman for Every Fitness Enthusiast.

Do you wish to have a broad waist and strong hands? If yes then you must be exercising every day either by subscribing to a gym membership or establishing a gym of your own. Either way, the focus is the most important thing that needs to be there throughout the journey of getting well-shaped arms and shoulder. While there are many exercises that would help you attain the goal of having strong and broad arms, and shoulders but in this case, the discussion is going to be in respect to Steel Logs and Yokes.

These are few strong and bold exercises that are sure to give you a hard time but once mastered then there is no coming back as these exercises are going to bump you up in regards to your physique and increase your stamina and power. There are many other ways in which the above exercises are going to benefit a person as it involves all the upper body muscles.

Bar training is one of the most proven ways for serious strongman athletes to develop better grip and max out their strength. When you want to take your fitness regime to a whole new level then you can choose Farmer’s Walk for Strongman. This exercise comprises of a pair of thick metal bars with handles in the middle which allows carrying the bars and gives you the option to load weights onto each end of the bar. One of the pro tips that you can trust us on is never taking longer steps/walks because it will be making you unstable.

However, there are various benefits of practising this exercise and some of it-

•    Developing powerful legs and hips.

•    Strengthening the core.

•    Strong and stable back.

•    Increasing the strength to grip.

There are three ways to practice the Farmer’s Walk for Strongman and those are –

•    Light weight and long distance, generally 40 to 60 meters.

•    Mid-weight and mid-distance, generally 20 to 30 meters.

•    Heavy weight and short distance, generally 10 to 15 meters.

The main objective is to carry weight over a long distance quickly. Carrying heavy weight, longer distance, and quicker time, or a combination of these is all ways a sign of progress. Ideally, carrying a heavier weight over a longer distance should be the ultimate goal. Every once in a while, it is recommended to turn up the heat by adding weight over a period of time. But, remember this is not an excuse to skip light weight sessions and turn them into heavy weight sessions.

As we all know that metabolism varies from person to person which is why it will be a major reason behind the success of each person’s physique and strength. New York Barbells brings you different kind of equipment for exercises that range as a beginner to professional level. With an experience of 43 years in the health and fitness industry, we are happy to deliver with the best of the quality equipment. So that your search for any kind of equipment ends with us.

How Exercising with a 4-Way Neck Machine Helps Us. Ask New York Barbells

In Martial Arts and Boxing, the neck is generally considered to be a shock absorber for the head. This can also apply to auto accidents, quick starts and stops, and in almost every sport. Neck strengthening should never be ignored. Through proper use of a 4-Way Neck Machine, you are effectively building up the muscles that support your head.

Way Neck Machine

Making your neck strong like wrestlers commonly do will proactively provide you with the ultimate strength and power to handle any physical attack to your upper body.

Want to improve the functional flexibility as well as overall strength of your neck? Try a 4 – Way Neck Machine from New York Barbells – an affordable effective tool in neck conditioning. You can easily click onto the official website of New York Barbells to see your savings.

Why should we use a 4 – Way neck Machine? What are the benefits?

Your neck is comprised of 26 muscles that attach to bones in your skull, spine, thoracic cage and shoulder girdle. The muscles perform neck flexion (head forward), neck extension (head backward), and lateral flexion (side to side) and help to protect your spine (cervical vertebrae) and your enclosed spinal cord. Injury to any components of the neck can lead to pain, loss of function and in critical cases, paralysis.
Way Neck Machine

Having a strong and flexible neck is of great advantage for safety as well as performance in many sport activities. Less obvious is the importance of neck strength and flexibility following extended electronic equipment use. More often than not, sitting at a desk working on a computer results in a slight forward lean of the head whereby causing tight neck muscles. Pain is often experienced in the neck and radiates down the shoulders and back.

The maintenance of good neck posture in addition to good neck strength and flexibility is essential to preventing functional decline which can occur with a non-conditioned neck and worsens as we age.

To make sure your neck is in good shape and your risk for neck and spinal injury is reduced, include a 4- Way Neck Machine in your exercise regimen. This affordable and highly effective machine is available from New York Barbells.